DIY: Upcycled Nutella Jar
Niet weggooien die oude Nutella potjes! De kleinste Nutella versie kan je ook heel goed als stolpje voor bijv. kleine cactusjes gebruiken...
Owl be watching you...
Artworks I made for Shoeby: MITCH > 1.Short Sleeve T-shirt €8,95 3.Longsleeve T-shirt €6,95 (now on SALE!) 2.MTC-Belt €12,95
April's Look
1.zonnebril €7,99 (Coolcat) 2.muts nu €2,50! (Coolcat) 3.glitter-hartjes nagellak €6,- (Urban Outfitters) 4.T-shirt €17,99 (artwork I...
Diy Platform $neaker$
Easy & Cheap: just glue your old Flipflops under your old sneakers! > Instant Growth... ^-*
Horsy D'or-sy
Golden Horse container made from an old glass jar a plastic toy and spraypaint, easy does it!
Creepy but Fly!
A little bit eclectic for such a low price!! ^-^ I bought this in a temporary(?) shop (called: "Gideon Italiaander" in the...
"A" Light
Happy with my new Festive White Circus Light from the Hema (€15,-) Works with a on/off switch & battery's. Awesome!
Skull Light
I instantly and completely fell in Love with this Wall Wire Ornament. From de woonfabriek for €19,-
GOOD LUCK mini's
I bought these good luck mini-animals in Antwerp yesterday : ) They are about 3x3 cm, made from plastic but have the most perfect little...
New PEN(cil)$
Super Cool these PENS! They look like pecils but are BLUE ballpoints... From Flying Tiger > 3 for €3,-